
My son and I came up with what we believe is the essence of Clash Royale from A-Z.

A: Aaaaaarrrrrgh!!!!
B: Baby Dragon (or Balloon)? Noooooooo!!!
C: Crying Face
D: Donate already!
E: Epic Card!
F: Free Chest!
G: Giant Chest, YES!
H: (Them) Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha (You) Grrrrrrrr!!!
I: Inferno Towers from a level 4 guy???
J: Just one more crown then I’ll quit
K: King Tower down (Crying Face)
L: Lightning, meet Witch
M: Mad Face
N: Nine more crowns and then I’ll quit
O: Oh noooooooooo!!!!
P: Pekka AND Mini Pekka? Gimme a break!
Q: Quitting after this one Battle
R: Rocket with 1 second left. Nooooooooo!!!!
S: Stop taunting me already!
T: Taunt Limit Reached
U: Ugh
V: Valkyrie vs. Skeleton Army
W: What the…
X: X-bow on my side???
Y: Yes!!! (then 2 seconds later) Noooooooooooo!!!!!!
Z: Zero crowns again?!?